Opening your own business is exciting and challenging with a lot of things you will need to learn along the way. This is especially true if you are packaging and shipping your own goods. There are several different types of tests your packages will need to go through depending on what is inside, where the packages are headed and how they are getting there.

Which Packages Need Testing?
Most of the time, your items will require a minimum of packaging to ensure safe delivery. However, if you are shipping or selling fragile items or ones which contain hazardous materials, then different testing is required. The International Safe Transit Association sets up standards of testing and package safety requirements for a variety of substances and even allow companies to design and implement their own standards such as ista 6 amazon apass testing which is used by those wishing to sell items through that company.
Why Test Packages?
The main reason packages are tested is to ensure that they can properly protect the items inside during the routine hazards of shipping. Some substances will require other types of testing such as a resistance to corrosion due to the materials inside of the packaging, waterproofing and impact resistance.
Who Does the Testing?
Package testing is done by certified professionals through a variety of companies. You can even train to be certified from these same places. It is a good idea to seek out a trained expert with many years’ experience to get the best testing possible and to keep your shipped items safer.
Packaging and shipping can be worrisome, especially if you are sending fragile completed items to your customers and want to ensure that they arrive intact. This is where package testing comes in handy. Besides checking your packaging according to shipping standards and regulations, these companies can give you an evaluation on how well each package survives the shipping process.