Unveiling the Legal Tapestry: Your Automobile’s Authorization Journey

In the vast and complex world of automobiles, legality is a crucial thread that weaves through every aspect of ownership and operation. Whether you’re a seasoned car owner or a newcomer to the automotive realm, understanding the authorization process your automobile undergoes is paramount. This journey encompasses various dimensions, from initial registration to compliance with safety standards and environmental regulations.

The Initial Handshake: Vehicle Registration

The very first step in the authorization journey of your automobile is its registration. This involves formalizing the vehicle’s existence with the relevant government authorities. The process typically includes providing essential information such as the vehicle’s make, model, identification number, and the owner’s details. Once registered, your automobile is granted a unique identifier, often in the form of license plates, allowing it to legally roam the streets.

Safety First: Compliance with Safety Standards

Ensuring the safety of both the driver and other road users … Read more

Christian mechanic in Pakistan gets death for ‘blasphemy’. He said ‘Jesus is supreme’

New Delhi: More than five years after his arrest, a Christian mechanic booked on the charges of blasphemy was sentenced to death by a Lahore court Monday. Still has been in jail since 2017 and his case riddled with adjournments. The accused, who has a wife and a daughter, also lost his mother in 2019 while he was behind the bars.

According to reports, in June 2017, Masih got into a dispute with a Muslim customer in Lahore after he repaired the latter’s bike. When Still asked for payment, the customer did not pay the entire amount and asked for a waiver on grounds that he was a religious devotee. Still refused the request, saying he believed in Christ. The issue of money led to a heated argument and a crowd gathered, accusing Masih of “disrespecting” the Prophet Muhammad. The mechanic had allegedly said that for Christians, Jesus was supreme.

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‘Polluting the air we breathe’: Mechanic sentenced for selling thousands of devices that allowed trucks to bypass emissions controls

A North Carolina truck mechanic was sentenced to a year in prison for selling thousands of devices that allowed truck owners to bypass emissions-control systems and produce hundreds of times more pollution than is legally allowed.

Matthew Sidney Geouge, 35, of Hendersonville, NC, pleaded guilty last year to violating the Clean Air Act and tax evasion. In addition to the prison term, Geouge was also ordered to pay $1.3 million in fines to the EPA, and $1.2 million in back taxes and penalties.

Federal prosecutors say that between 2008 and 2017, Geouge sold around 14,000 kits known as “tuners” or “defeat devices” that helped shut off the emissions systems on mostly diesel-powered pickup trucks.

Some drivers believe the federally mandated control systems, which drastically reduce pollution, inhibit the performance of their trucks.

“[Geouge] tailored software programs for the tuners known as ‘tunes,’ designed to maximize the engine power of particular

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Mechanic Made Millions Off Selling Illegal Emissions Device

Image for article titled A Mechanic Pleads Guilty to Selling Thousands of Devices to Bypass Vehicle Emission Controls

Image: Mario Tama (Getty Images)

A lone mechanic may have contributed to furthering vehicle emissions pollution, with a device he created that helped thousands of vehicles bypass emission controls, market watch reports. Those vehicles would go on to pollute hundreds of times more than the legal limit.

Mechanic Matthew Sidney Geouge, of Hendersonville, NC, ran his emissions operation for over 10 years at his company, Spartan Diesel Technologies. Federal authorities claim that Geouge advertised devices would help increase engine performance in diesel trucks. He sold over 14,000 devices, making over $10 million.

According to authorities, Geouge’s tuners or “tunes” were tailored to maximize engine power, which in significant increases in harmful air emissions. Some of the drivers who purchased this performance enhancing service, ended up noticing and reporting that they were actually decreasing performance.

Geouge was warned numerous times over the years to stop selling the

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Aviation sector faces hiring headache as mechanics shortage looms

MONTREAL/BENGALURU, July 15 (Reuters) – Christophe Gagnon considered quitting his avionics studies as COVID-19 crippled aviation, but the 21-year-old stayed in class and now the industry is desperate for more like him to keep planes flying.

Two years after lockdowns nearly grounded the airline industry, repair shops and suppliers are scrambling for students like Gagnon, who received multiple job offers while still at the cole nationale d’aérotechnique (ÉNA) in Canada’s aerospace hub, Quebec.

The hiring rush is evidence of a sharper than expected recovery in air travel, but also signals a looming labor shortage that is raising costs and could push up repair times as the industry stages an awkward recovery from its worst crisis. Shortages are on the minds of executives at the Farnborough Airshow near London, this year’s largest aerospace expo, which starts on July 18.

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While a shortage

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