How Much Does It Cost to Have Your Car’s Interior Detailed?

If you have a car, chances are it has seen its fair share of wear and tear. From food and drink spills to hairballs from your pets, there is no shortage of things that can make your vehicle’s interior less than pleasant. But the good news is that you don’t need to live with the clutter! Have a car that is in dire need of a detailed interior? No need to fret; just read onward and take advantage of these pointers.
The price of an auto detailing job can vary depending on the size of your car and what you want included in the cleaning. For a general auto detail, complete with vacuuming and shampooing your carpet, it would cost about $1000 to $1500 total. The model of your car can impact the cost. Other factors such as the vehicle’s age, damage, and general appearance will also influence the final …