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Order for CarCoverUSA Easy Car Maintenance that You Can Do

How to Check Your Tire Pressure (in 5 Easy Steps) | Go Auto

The key to keeping your vehicle looking good and running longer is to maintain it regularly. While such tasks as aligning the wheels are best left to professional auto techs, there is plenty of car maintenance that you can do on your own.

Start with the Owner’s Manual

If you’re unfamiliar with where certain parts of your car are located, give the owner’s manual a once over. It will tell you where to find such important do-it-yourself components like the oil dipstick or the windshield washer reservoir. It will also contain recommended maintenance intervals and more detail on how to perform certain service tasks.

Check the Tires

Your vehicle may already have a Tire Pressure Monitor that tells you when your tires are low on air. If not, you may need to get an air pressure gauge, which is available at your local auto center. Attaching this to the air …