Car Experiencing Overheat? Do this immediately!

Car Experiencing Overheat? Do this immediately!

The problem of overheating in car engines is indeed a fairly common thing. The causes of this problem tend to be caused by the lack of attention from the vehicle owner. In fact, maintenance of the car is not only a routine to replace and provide the best car oil on a regular basis, but there are still many other things that need to be done so that problems like worrying overheat do not occur. However, if the signs of an overheat car appear suddenly, of course you cannot immediately fix it in the middle of the road, see this article which will discuss some things that can be done if the car overheats while on the road.

Stop the vehicle and turn off the engine

When overheating while traveling, the first thing to do is pull over to the side of the road and immediately turn off the engine so that the engine temperature returns. This is done in order to prevent the car from experiencing damage that is even more severe and detrimental.

Open the hood

After turning off the engine, the next thing that is necessary and important to do is to open the hood of the car so that hot air trapped in the engine room out so as not to damage other engine components due to the heat. However, this needs to be done carefully because sometimes the cap lever that is stored in the car also receives heat from the radiator.

Do not open the radiator cap

When a car engine is overheating, one thing you should never do is open the radiator cap. If this is done, it will be dangerous for your safety and can also be a cause of rapid radiator damage. The reason is that hot car engines cause high pressure steam and water to escape and can cause serious burns if exposed to the body.

Check the radiator backup water tube

Radiator water reserves that are connected to the top of the radiator must be present in every car engine. This can help you to find out whether the radiator water is lacking or not as well as the water level indicator, if it is less then it will be dangerous for the engine. What can be done is to add coolant to the upper line position, both in a state of the engine that is still hot or cold. However, if the car only has a radiator without a spare tube, then you have to wait until the engine cools.

Decided to wait for help

When the car overheats, then pay attention to the bottom of the car, if there is water flowing. If there is water that continues to drip, then it is certain that the radiator has a leak or even the engine can be broken if the journey continues. Therefore, you better wait for help from the nearest authorized workshop.

Thus a series of things that need to be done when your car overheats while on the go. May be useful!

