Auto Article

3 Things To Do After You Buy a New Car

Buying a new car can take a lot of time and patience. You don’t want to rush anything so you can find the best model with the right features, and in the color you want. Once you find the car of your dreams, you might hope to simply drive off into the sunset without a care in the world. However, there are a few things you need to do after you buy your car. 

1. Get it Registered

Every state in the country requires that your car be registered with the Department of Licensing. When you buy your new car, it will come with a temporary registration to give you time to get your official registration done. Depending on your state, you will likely have between 30 and 60 days to get your car registered. 

You might hope to avoid spending the money to register the car, but if you …

Auto Article

3 Things To Teach Your Teen Driver

Teaching your teenager drive milestone that many parents look forward to. However, it is also a huge responsibility. If you want to be a responsible parent and prepare your teenager properly to hit the road, make sure you teach your child these three things.

1. How To Take Care of a Vehicle

Taking care of a vehicle properly is a major part of being a responsible car owner. It’s important to teach your teen drivers the importance of keeping up with routine car maintenance Bellevue WA. It’s also a good idea to teach basic skills such as charging a dead battery or changing a flat tire.

2. How To Respect Other Drivers

It isn’t enough to teach your teen how to be a good driver. you also have to teach him or her to look out for other drivers on the road. Show your teen how to react in …